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Student Technology

Smart Board

Every classroom is equipped with this interactive learning technology.  This is great for whole group instruction where students are able to work with and manipulate a variety of software.  It is also utilized during small group instruction where even our youngest learners have caught the technology bug and are actively engaged!

Chrome Books



CCA has full access to a mobile laptop cart.  This cart is utilized throughout the building to enhance the learning process. 




iPads can be found in each classroom and support with enhancing our curriculum.  iPads are available to support whole group instruction or center activities.

Document Cameras



This technological device is amazing! It projects any item for the entire class to view.  This is a great tool for reaching visual learners.

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Wireless Headphones



Listening centers are part of our daily reading routines.  Wireless headphones allow students to move comfortably around the room while listening to their favorite story!

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