Parent Newsletters

Parent Involvement
The Parent Leadership Institute is an organization managed by parents and social workers. The institute was created with the intention to facilitate parental involvement and help our students’ educational achievement. The PLI offers a series of educational workshops including community resources available in the area. Additionally, teachers will be conducting parent workshops twice a month to discuss important topics with parents. Some of the topics that will be covered are reading strategies, at-home math activities, nutrition and healthy habits, fun with science and more.
Furthermore, we believe in the importance of partnering with parents to ensure their child receives the best possible education. At CCA we encourage parents to volunteer whenever possible. Ideally, we like to have a minimum of two room parents’ sign up for each classroom. Parents can assist with classroom activities, events, centers and more. We offer parents opportunities to attend field trips that will enable them to participate with their children in educationally rewarding experiences.
Parent Leadership Institute meetings are held in the CCA Great Hall every Friday morning from 8:30-10 a.m.

Parent Leadership Institutes Workshop Topics
Title I and Title III
Effective Parent Teacher Conferences
How to decode a standards based report card
3rd Grade Reading Law
Reading Strategies
Math Strategies
Strategies for English Language Learners
Fun with Science
Community Resources ​and much more!