Bus Schedule
Bus transportation is provided for all students at CCA between Martin and Vernor both before and after school. In order to be eligible to ride the bus, you must first complete an application. Please see the office with questions and for an application.
For families who are interested in taking the CCA bus from Martin to Vernor, please be at Martin no later than 7:20am.
Students who plan to ride the bus to Martin at the end of the school day must be picked up at Martin no later than 3:40pm.
Bus Transportation
Right – Transportation is a privilege in the State of Michigan. Students have the right to safe and orderly transportation to and from our school or a school activity when such transportation is provided within the Transportation Guidelines.
Misconduct of any kind on a school bus is deemed to jeopardize the safety of all occupants. Therefore, discipline for misbehavior on a bus shall be swift and firm. The following list of infractions, which is not intended to be exclusive, describes behavior which shall not be tolerated:
Swearing, use of foul or abusive language, obscene or threatening gestures
Throwing objects of any kind or size
Intimidating or threatening others
Using school bus emergency door other than for an emergency
Please see our Student Code of Conduct for a list of "consequences for transportation violations."